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频道:外语学习 来源:株洲致知家教网 点击:387 日期:2013/12/21


  There is a saying that a student’s college life isn’t finished until he or she takes the CET. Short for College English Test, the large-scale standardized language test examines the English proficiency of undergraduate students. The CET is supervised by the National College English Testing Committee.


  The committee said recently that the CET Band 4 and 6 (CET-4 and CET-6) exams are going to change in terms of their structure and format. Apart from taking out the cloze test, changes have been made in the following three aspects, namely, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and translation.


  Listening comprehension


  In the new version of the CET, compound dictation is going to be replaced by dictation of words and phrases. In this part, students will hear a passage three times. They should get a general idea of the passage first, and then fill in the blanks with the exact words they’ve just heard.


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